Matrix Grid

When working with Matrix Grids, you can edit the overall design of the grid by selecting Matrix Grid from the drop-down in the Formatting Panel. You can also edit formatting for other components of the grid (like data, rows and columns, and report title) by choosing the relevant option from the drop-down menu.

Matrix Grid Settings

The Matrix Grid settings allows you to edit label formatting, borders, and other elements like column size, grid padding, and alignment.


From the Labels tab, set the formatting for the cell contents for the entire grid:

  • Font: set the font type.
  • Size: set the font size.
  • Style: set the font style (bold, italics, underline, or color).
  • Align: align the cell contents to the left, middle, or right, or use auto align to let Pyramid set the alignment.
  • Vertical Align: align cell contents to the top, middle, or bottom of the cell, which is useful when working with text wrapping.
  • Background Color: change the cell background color using the color picker.


Set the formatting for grid borders formatting from the Border tab:

  • Borders: toggle the border buttons to show or hide borders.
  • Thickness: set the border width.
  • Color: set the border color.
  • Table Handles: show or hide handles at the top or bottom of the grid.
  • Thickness: set the handle width.
  • Color: set the handle color.


  • Click here to learn more about grid borders.


From the Settings tab, determine the settings for column and row size, padding, and more:

  • Total Formatting: enable or disable formatting for totals.
  • Row Area Size: customize the size of the total combined width of the row header columns for matrix grids.
  • Column Size: customize the size of the grid's columns.
  • Show Alternate Rows: use the alternate rows function to display every other row in the grid in a different shade.
  • Expand Icons: turn on expand icons for rows and/ or columns.
  • Grid Padding: use grid padding to increase the size of the space of gap between each column and row.
  • Alignment: use the Alignment tools to position the matrix grid on the canvas.

Other Settings for Matrix Grids

The following grid components can be edited by making the required selection from the main drop-down list in the Formatting panel.

  • Report Title: customize the report title.
  • Data: change the font type, size, color, emphasis and alignment for all data cells in the grid.
  • Columns: change the font type, size, color, emphasis and alignment for columns only.
  • Rows: change the font type, size, color, emphasis and alignment for rows only.
  • Color: customize the color and font for a given legend item and the analogous data point.